Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Ever

Never had i thought i would be inspired to do this.Blogging...hmmm,still seems kind of foreign to me,even now.As life would have it,the things you never expect to happen would be the one come knocking first.So there it goes,my first entry.This is the kind of day where i pay back my sleep dept.But i should have known this,you can never fight fire with fire.The more i sleep the more sleepy i am.Sigh!Should have gone with the coffee.

This is a time in life where i call it the waiting period.Waiting for results,Waiting for application,Waiting for acceptance,Waiting for intake,waiting..waiting..waiting..Hell with the damn WAITING! And the worse part is,this is the second time i have to go through the same phase.All in all, i have spent one year like this withering away.Still i never regret the path i chose(partly because i can't).So i do one thing most people would choose to do:Blame The System! Yeah, i feel better now(how pathetic!)